Finding Sabbath

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Back from my trip

Well, I appear to be over the jet lag if not the cold. We had a great time, packing Sydney, the Outback, the Great Barrier Reef, New Zealand and Hawaii into 22 days.

The first week back was a fog, the second only slightly better. But I'm now back to doing yoga in the mornings and starting to feel like I'm me-ish again.

Highlights of the trip: snorkeling, and seeing all the biological diversity of different climates and a isolated continent in a compressed amount of time. It gave me a clearer sense of the great variety available on this earth, and the sobering reality of Things Going Extinct. (Kangaroos? Only one type of a veritable cornucopia of pouched, long-tailed hoppy things. Many of which are now endangered or gone.)

Oh, and I ate ants. (an ant) Green ones - a little burst of citrus flavor. Really. Apparently they are high in protein and valued by the aboriginals, a great source of food.

If you did not already get the link and are interested in seeing more pictures, drop me a line and I'll direct you to the online photo album! Posted by Picasa


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